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Executive Officers 2023/2024

Deputy Grand Master

Right Worshipful

Carl Anderson

Most Worshipful Grand Master

Hon. Alvin Truesdale


Board of Directors

Quinn Smith

Right Worshipful

District Deputy Grand Master

Mingo Bethea

Baltimore City

Right Worshipful

District Deputy Grand Master

Baltimore County

Byogah Herring

Right Worshipful

Juston Code

Grand Patron

Right Worshipful

David Dozier

Grand Senior Warden

Right Worshipful

Juston Code

Grand Junior Warden

Right Worshipful

Spencer Walker 5th

Grand Secretary

Right Worshipful

Andre Poole

Grand Treasurer

Right Worshipful

Calvin Burgess

Grand Chaplain

Right Worshipful

Arthur Akhigbade

Grand Tyler

Administrative Unit 2023/2024

Deputy Grand Master

Carl Anderson

Administrative Assistant

Quinn Smith

Spencer Walker 5th

Grand Secretary


Andre Poole

Andre Poole

Grand Treasurer

Financial Recorder

Robert Patterson

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